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Whitney Erby, a Sports Medicine major from Sacramento, California. While she attended Howard University, she volunteered with the Howard University Sports Medicine Department. She has also served as a Resident Assistant on campus, a high school mentor in C.H.I.L.L. (College Has Its Life Lessons), and a tutor with Reading Partners DC.

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Tianna Etes, a Health Sciences major. While on campus, she served as a PrettyGirlsSweat ambassador, and Founder of the Biggest Loser. She plans to obtain her masters degree and ultimately become an OBGYN.

Sybil Robinson, a Sports Medicine major and Human Development minor. While at Howard, she served as a Resident Assistant in the Bethune Annex and West Towers, the President of HU PEERS. During her time in Alpha Chapter, she served as Community Service Chair and Adopt a School Chair. She is currently teaching Middle School Science in the Guilford County School System. 

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Ashley Dubreus, a Sports Medicine major with a minor in Chemistry from Jersey City, New Jersey. During her time at Howard, she served as a member of Student Sports Alliance and held an executive board position on the College of Arts and Sciences Association. During her time in Alpha Chapter she served as secretary for the 2018-2019 school year.

Jaelyn Moses, an International Business major and a minor in Chinese from Baltimore, MD. While at Howard, she served on the Executive Board of the School of Business Student Council, as the Elections Commissioner for the School of Business Elections and was a member of the 6th cohort of the Freshman Leadership Academy. She was also the Founder and President of the Chinese Culture Club. During her time in Alpha Chapter, she served as Second Vice President and Treasurer.

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Erin Winrow, a Biology major and double minor in Chemistry and Administration of Justice. During her time within the chapter she has served as the Phylacter and as the Chapter President. She will be attending the University of California, Davis as a MS in Forensic Science candidate. 

Kanicia Green, a Biology major and double minor in Chemistry and Mathematics. During her time in Alpha Chapter, she has served as the Step Mistress and Corresponding Secretary. The following year, she served as a NPHC Delegate. She has accepted a position at the National Institute of Health and soon after plans to attend medical school.

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Bryttany McClendon-Weary, a Biology major with a double-minor in Spanish and Chemistry from Houston, Texas. While at Howard, she served on the Executive Board for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples Howard University Section as the treasurer, Vice President of Changó, and Vice President of the Texas Club. During her time in Alpha Chapter she served as the Community Service Chair. 

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